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Travel tips and guides for Australia, the land down under.

An American Guide to Moving to Australia on the Working Holiday Visa (WHV)

Beach coastline flying near Sydney, NSW, Australia

Moving to the land down under is a pipe dream for many, but it’s also a very real possibility – especially if you’re under 30. Almost anyone within the age threshold can move to Australia under the working holiday visa. Who doesn’t want to experience the laidback, beachy lifestyle of the land down under? Throughout

Road Trip from Perth to Exmouth: Exploring Coral Coast

Roadtrip to Exmouth

Seeking endless clear turquoise waters, isolated ocean pools, and breathtaking coastline? Exmouth, Australia is where you want to be. The lifestyle is idyllic, pure, and blissful in short. As I found on my road trip through the southwest, I was driving on the left through red-dirt lined roads, stumbling upon the most beautiful beaches, without

8 Day Hikes and Walks in Sydney You Don’t Want to Miss

Walks around Sydney Gordons Bay Bondi Coogee

Sydney might be my favorite city in the world. A pastime of mine includes hiking, coastal walks, which are abundant along Sydney, and being ocean-side. Even without a car, the ease, cleanliness, and frequency of public transit is glamorous compared to US cities. Although not all hikes are easily accessible by public transit, I was

Perth to Esperance Road Trip Itinerary: Explore Southwest Australia

Blue Haven Beach, the most beautiful beach on your Perth to Esperance Road Trip

Grab the keys of the nearest caravan, camper van, or rental you can find and open your navigation system, because it’s time to explore Western Australia, beyond Perth. On this particular journey, we’re talking a Perth to Esperance road trip through southwest Australia, home to breathtaking, clear-blue beaches that feel seemingly private. Along the way

The Two Things You Don’t Want to Miss On a Day Trip to Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island beautiful beach

Do you love shockingly clear waters and empty beaches? If you’re heading to Western Australia or Perth, no trip will be complete without a day trip or overnight stay at Rottnest Island. Most famously known for its quokkas, Rottnest or “Rotto” as the natives call it, is more extraordinary than one can imagine. Clear blue

The 3 Areas to Visit On Your First Trip to Australia

World's Prettiest Beaches

Australia: the seemingly faraway wonderland, home to cuddly-looking marsupials, and to some of the cheeriest people on the planet. The country-wide population is almost half the population of California alone, the natives have brilliant accents and slang, and “almost everything can kill you.” Starting with the sun, which due to its proximity to the South